Questions :

1.      Where does the drama take place? Can you describe the time?
2.      What is the theme of the drama? Please give explanations that support your answer!
3.      Please describer the characters and characterizations found in the drama, completed by their language style.
4.      Please mention the sources of the drama and give explanation to support your answer!
5.      Please describe the rising action, climax, the falling action and the catastrophe of the plot?
6.      Please give your comment related to the outstanding feature of the play!

Answer :
1.      There are some places that become the setting of “Hachiko” such as Railroad Station and Professor Parker’s house. The time when the story happened in May 1925-March 1935 in the Railroad station. . In March 1925 was the time where was Prof. Wilson (Parker) found Hachiko in the Railroad Station and Prof. Wilson (Parker) brought Hachiko top his house. In May, 1925 Prof. Wilson (Parker) or Hachiko master died. From that time everyday Hachiko is always wait his master in from of the station until finally in March 1935Hachiko died.

2.      The theme of the drama is close relationship between the master and his faithful dog that always waits for the master although his master already passed away.
Hachiko, the faithful dog, has very close relationship with his master, Professor Parker. Hachi always accompanies his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after working. Sadly, one day his master passes away and never returns to the station. Hachi faithfully returns to the same spot at the station every day for the next nine years to await his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachi touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the people about love, compassion, and loyalty that can be intertwined not only between human beings but also between every creature in this world.

3.      The characters and characterizations found in the drama that completed with their language style, as follow:
a.       Professor Parker Wilson
Professor Parker is a college professor who teaches about music. He has a close relationship with his dog, Hachiko, that he found in Railroad Station ad he raise Hachiko gently until he passes away. He is also patient and friendly person.
The language style of Professor Parker is mostly vernacular but there is also dialogue that uses formal language, for instance when the professor gives lecture.
b.      Hachiko
Hachiko is a faithful dog that always accompanies his master and he still waits for his master even though his master already passed away.
c.       Kate Wilson
Kate Wilson is Professor Parker’s wife who is insists the professor to not keep Hachiko in the beginning. But when she sees the bond and relationship between her husband and Hachiko, she lets the professor to keep Hachiko.
The language style of Kate Wilson is mostly vernacular.
d.      Andy
Andy is Professor Parker’s daughter who loves his family and cares with Hachiko. She persuades her mother to let Professor Parker keep Hachiko. When her father passes away, she takes Hachiko to live with her. Andy lets Hachiko to return to the station because she knows that Hachiko misses her father.
The language style of Andy is mostly vernacular.
e.       Jess
Jess is a coffee and hot dog vendor at the train station. He is kind-hearted man. He feeds Hachiko whenever Hachiko visits the train station.
The language style of Jess is mostly vernacular.
f.       Carl
Carl is the station controller and unfriendly man. He does not want to help Professor Parker to take Hachiko.
The language style of Carl is mostly vernacular.
g.      Ken Fujiyoshi
Ken Fujiyoshi is Professor Parker’s Japanese friend and work together with him at the college. He is a nice man who cares about Professor Parker and his family.
The language style of Ken is mostly vernacular.

4.      The real Hachiko was born in Odat Japan in 1923. When his master, Dr. Eisaburo Ueno a professor at Tokyo University died in May, 1925, Hachi returned to the Shibuya train station the next day and for the next nine years to wait. Hachiko died in March 1935. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station. From  information that I can found in the movie so I can say that the source of the story are in the 2 places firstly in the railroad station, when first time Prof. Wilson (Parker) found Hachiko and in this place everyday Hachiko is always wait his master although his master was died. Secondly, in the Prof. Wilson (Parker) house. In this place there are some conflicts among Parker, Kate, and Hachiko that make the story more interesting.

5.      Rising Action: when Kate (Prof. Wilson’s wife) is angry when knows that her husband brought a puppy enter into their house.

Climax: Kate (Prof. Wilson’s wife) asks her husband for bringing the puppy to the dog pound. Because Kate doesn’t want to keep a dog in their house with some reason only her knows about the reason why she hates that puppy?

Falling Action: when Kate see her husband and her daughter love Hachiko very much so finally Parker’s family decide for keeping Hachiko in their house as their pet.

Catastrophe/Resolution: Hachiko is always accompanies his master (Parker) when parker goes to the office. Hachiko is always waits his master in front of the train station when his master back from his office. Until Parker was died Hachiko still waiting his master in that place until he died in March 1935.

6.      In my opinion  related to the outstanding feature of the play is the music in “Hachiko: A Dog’s Story” support and is really fit the drama. The music, which is quite melancholic, gives emotional effect to the story and also the viewers who watch this drama. We can hear the music in some important scene, such as when Hachi is still waiting his master in Bedridge station although his master has passed away.

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