Think Pair Share is a method developed by Frank Lyman and his colleagues from the University of Maryland who is able to change the assumption that the method for working together and discussions need to be held in a group setting as a whole class, in addition, think pair share method and is one of the cooperative learning that promotes cooperation in the group between the students. However, Think Pair Share method and means giving the students time to think about answers to questions or problems that will be provided by the teacher. On the other hand, students help each other to resolve the issue with the capabilities of each student. For instance, instructional media card is the word or phrase is used in the learning media that contains a single word or sentence; moreover, instructional media serves to facilitate students in solving problems within the group. For instance, the teacher gave a discourse hiatus, every student, and every student think of an appropriate answer to fill in the missing word or phrase with the right word or phrase. Learning methods and think pair share a structure collaborative learning activities; however, this method gives students the chance for working with themselves and cooperate with others. Another advantage of the optimization of cooperative learning is student participation. Think pair share method and this gives an opportunity at least eight times as many students to recognize and demonstrate their participation to others.

According Munawaroh (2005: 31-32) some steps in the cooperative learning method or think pair share are the following:
1)      Thinking:
Teachers ask questions or issues or material on particular subjects and students are given time to think for themselves about the answer to that question.
2)      Pairing:
Next, teacher asks the students to work in pair. However, if impossible, then the class can be formed with a group of four to five members. The interaction during this period is producing answers together about a question has been raised for delivering ideas together.
3)      Sharing:
In this step the teacher asks the pairs or groups to share or cooperate with the whole class about what they are talking about. This step will be effective if the teacher went around the classroom from one group to another group that almost half of the number of groups in the class have the opportunity to report on the results of the work, moreover, in this step the teacher asks the students in pair to share their work with the other pair.

Especially for reading, Think Pair Share is a collaborative learning strategy in which students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned raeding. This technique requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer a question and share ideas with classmate . Discussing an answer with a partner serves to maximize participation , focus attention, and engage students in comprehending the reading material. Think pair share technique is useful to help students to think individually about a topic or answer the question, it teachs students to share ideas with classmates or builds oral communication skill and it helps focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material.


Skill that can be taught using think pair share techniques, are grammar and writing and reading


Level of the study which is taught by using think pair share technique is for elementary school , junior high school , senior high school and university student.


4.1  Grammar
1.      Think
After explaining the material the teacher proposes some questions based on the material that have been explained before (about simple tenses), then the teacher asks the students to answer the questions (the questions is about simple tenses: simple present, simple past, and simple future in using that for making sentences in affirmative, negative, and interrogative form) that have been given after the teacher finished explain the material. In addition, the teacher gives a few minutes for doing that.

2.       Pair
Furthermore, the teacher asks student do the task (the questions that have been before) in pair and discuss on what the students are thinking about base on the questions. This session hoped by the teacher so that the students can work in pair for finishing some problems in the questions.
3.      Share
In the last session, the teacher asks the students in pair to share their answer to the other pairs so that each pairs are able to know their friends’ answer.

4.2  Writing

1.       Think
First, the teacher explains the material about “THE GENERIC STUCTURES OF A DESCRIPTIVE TEXT” Orientation: Setting the scene, introducing the participant/s or giving necessary background (who, when, and where). Complication: Writing a crisis is carefully written until it finds its climax. The problem or complication should arise and create tension so that the reader will have the entertaining taste of a narrative paragraph. Resolution:Finding the end of the narration or the crisis is resolved; it can be happy or unhappy ending. Reorientation/Coda: Closing the narration by using personal comment or opinion; it is optional. In addition, the teacher proposes some questions related the materials that have been delivered before.

2.       Pair
Second sessions, the teacher asks the students for answering the questions that have been discussed before in pair so that they can do something in pair and can share their opinion and their knowledge

3.       Share
The last session, the teacher asks the students for sharing their answer with other pairs in the classroom; moreover, the teacher can compare the pair opinion about the questions

4.3  Reading

1.      Think
Teacher begin by asking a specific question about the text. Student “think” about what they know or have learned about the topic 
2.      Pair
Each student should be paired with another student or a small group
3.      Share
Students share their thinking with their partner . Teacher expand the “share” into a whole-class discussion


5.1  Strengths
There are several think pair share technique, those are:
1.        Build the critical thinking of the studeny
2.        Motivate quite  student to speak up
3.        More opportunities for the contribution of each member of the group.
4.       Make the students get a good interaction
5.       More easily and quickly formed a group. A student can also learn from other students as well as each other to convey the idea discussed before delivered in front of the class.
6.       Can improve self-confidence and all students are given the opportunity to participate in the class.
7.       The teacher can see the students level and ability of understanding the material
8.       Students can directly solve the problem, understand the material in groups and help each other with each other, making conclusions (discussion), and presented to the class as one of the evaluation of learning activities that have been performed.

5.2 Weakness
Several weaknesses that can also be found in think pair share technique, those are:
1.      Requires coordination of various activities simultaneously.
2.      Requires special attention in classroom use.
3.       The transition from whole class to small group can seize valuable teaching time. The teacher should be able to make careful planning so as to minimize the amount of time wasted.
4.      Many groups are reported and need to be monitored. Fewer ideas emerged.
5.      If there is a dispute, there is no mediator. Dependence on the couple
6.      The number of students is odd effect at the time of the formation of the group, because there was one student did not have a partner.


Think Pair Share is a method developed by Frank Lyman and his colleagues from the University of Maryland who is able to change the assumption that the method for working together and discussions need to be held in a group setting as a whole class, in addition, think pair share method and is one of the cooperative learning that promotes cooperation in the group between the students.

There are some procedures in teaching using Think-Pair-Share such as: First, the teacher explains the material which are going to deliver, after that the teacher proposes some questions related the material, next the teacher asks the students to work in pair and after the students are finishing their tasks, the teacher asks the students to share their answer to the other pair (it has a purpose to compare the answers from all pair in the classroom).

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